Sunday, April 5, 2009
Wedding Pictures
The First Six Months of Marriage
Tom and I have not been good about updating our blog. I guess we figured if you know us, you know what we're doing. Or you are friends on Facebook and get our little status updates all the time.
But I guess it's time to check in again and document our life together.
Actually we've been married nearly seven months, and I can't think of a happier time in my life! We have the most fun together. In October, we started doing things to the house, like painting the interior in cheerful shades of yellow and cream. One of my mission companions, Jennifer Dunn, is an interior designer, and she came up and helped us pick out colors and come up with a plan. It's looking pretty cute, and we just have a few more touches like curtains in some areas and furniture refinishing in others. It helps to have a small house!
In November we enjoyed Thanksgiving up at our friends' the Weinbergs, along with my parents who came to visit. December was very busy; we had Christmas with my parents in Salem, and for New Year's we went to Seattle Center to see the fireworks. In December we also both got callings at church. Tom is in the Elder's Quorum presidency, and I'm the Young Women's president. There are only three girls that come to church, so the job is pretty easy. They are also really nice girls and I'm having fun getting to know them.
During late winter and early spring nothing too exciting has happened. We are enjoying getting to know each other better and figuring out how our marriage works. Pretty much I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Tom does so many nice things for me, and is always willing to help out. I've realized how much I dislike folding and putting away laundry. It seems I always have a basket of clean laundry on my bedroom floor, because I hate putting it away. Lucky me, he has become Captain Laundry! He is also Captain Bathroom and Captain Take Out the Trash. This is awesome! I tend to keep things tidy around the house, and do the grocery shopping and cooking. Tom can cook though, and often makes yummy things, I'm just a faster and more efficient cook, and most of the time we have to run somewhere after dinner so it's faster if I do it. Right this moment he's making Jambalaya for us, however!
Tom and I have lots to talk about and love going out and having fun together. We go on date nights to see movies or go ice skating, and we often go to the gym together. We're really looking forward to warmer weather and camping and hiking and other outdoor fun. In a couple of weeks, we're going to Orlando. I have a conference for work there, and Tom's going to to join me after it's over so we can go to Universal Studios, one of the Disney parks, and generally have a fabulous time in the sunshine. Tom's grandpa, aunt and uncle also live there, so we'll spend some time with them. We are so excited!
We are looking forward to doing things to the outside of our property as well. First off, we got a trampoline for the back yard! I have loved trampolines ever since I was a kid, and I always wanted one. We found one on Craig's list for $50, and so with some tools and elbow grease, we were able to put it up. It's just starting to get nice outside now, so we're going out more often to bounce around on it.
Another project we're beginning work on is terracing our front yard. We have a steeply sloped hill in the front yard, and it's covered in grass. It's hard to mow and looks terrible, and is pretty much wasted space. We want to cut in three terraces, and fill them with rich soil so we can use the space as a vegetable garden. It gets the most sun out of the rest of the property as well, so it will be perfect. But it's a huge, huge project. To save money we are making the walls out of broken concrete, so we've been driving all over Seattle in borrowed pick-ups to score as much broken sidewalk, driveway, and patio concrete that we can. We should start digging this week.
We are enjoying the adventure that life brings us, and hope to post more on our adventures soon!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wedded Bliss
to attend, friends in town, etc etc! But it was all worth it. The night before the wedding we had a reception in Salem at the home of family friends Neil and Dianne Lathen. It was a lovely little reception with incredibly delicious cake and lots of friends and family.
The next morning Tom and I, and our parents, were at the temple at 10 am. I wore the sari I bought in India to the temple. Inside, we changed into white clothes, and were sealed at 11 am with many of our close friends and family in attendance. It was beautiful. We all cried.
After the temple we took pictures, which was pretty chaotic! Then we had lunch before Tom and I left for our honeymoon. The honeymoon was a big surprise for me (Alicia), Tom had planned it all out ahead of time and didn't tell me where we were going. We wound up driving to Olympia (I napped the entire 2 hours), spending the night at an amazing historic bed and breakfast there,, then the next morning we drove to Port Angeles and took the ferry to Victoria. We stayed in Victoria for a few days, and had fun going hiking, to the Butchart Gardens, kayaking and biking, and having dinner with our friends Betty-Ann and Graham who live there. It was fantastic, and a wonderful surprise!! The weather couldn't have been better, either, it was sunny every day!
The next Friday we had our reception in Seattle. It was pretty big and lots of fun, we even had a pinata! Tom and I enjoyed talking to all our friends, dancing, and having a great time. We are so grateful to everyone who helped us out and those who came and celebrated with us.
Now we are back at home and settling in to normal life. Look forward to more pics and videos of the receptions and wedding coming soon.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Tom's Tale
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
How We Met
Our House!
We know it seems a little crazy to buy a house right away, but Tom already owned a house in Utah, and Alicia was already in the market to buy her own place before they started dating. The market started to take a little dip, interest rates were good, and we got a good deal!